The Power of Touch

As humans we are naturally tactile. Touch is one of the 5 senses and we use it constantly.  When out shopping we squeeze fruit to see if it is ripe or run our hand across the fabric of an item of clothing to ascertain how it will feel when we wear it.  But we are also used to touching each other in social situations.  The business handshake, the loving hug or the greeting kiss.  In these times of social distancing we are being encouraged not to go within 6 feet never mind embrace our friends or family.  In fact currently the only physical contact we are likely to have is with the people we are in isolation with, and if we are on our own, then we may not feel the embrace of another human being for many months.

Jesus used touch throughout his ministry.  We read about when he was healing a blind person “…Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.”* (Matt 20:34).  In another incident an ill woman knew that “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.” (Matt 9:21).    Ultimately Jesus was betrayed by touch as we read how “His betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the One; seize Him.” (Matt 28:48).

So, what comfort can we draw from the Bible in these trying times? Well the writer of Ecclesiastes, (traditionally thought be King Solomon, one of wisest men ever to live) wrote that is “A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;” (Ecc 3:5).  Never before has that reference been as pointed as it is now! But what we see is that, if we are living through a time where we are “refraining from embracing” then there will be a time again when we will be free to embrace again.

The Bible is full of references to “The Kingdom of God”.  A time when this earth will be transformed from the disease-ridden place it is now, to one of peace, health and joy.  We may feel that God has forsaken his creation, but the Bible shows us that this is just a temporary state and soon it will pass.  Ultimately the world that we will live in will be much better than what went before.

Why not read the Bible, to find out more? 

*All quotes from the NKJV

Motorfest 2019

Ormskirk Christadelphians are opening their doors to the public during the afternoon of Motorfest on Sunday 25th August 2019.

Our hall on Moorgate (opposite Hesfords) will be available if you need to put your feet up, have a drink or spend a penny, all free of charge.

We will be open for the duration of the parade 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm, so why not pop in and see us.

Table Top Sale for Meal-a-Day Fund

Ormskirk Christadelphian are holding a table top sale at their hall on Moorgate on Saturday 29th July from 10:00-4:00 to help raise funds for various aid projects across the world. The charity they are supporting is the “Christadelphian Meal a Day Fund”.
The charity has been sponsors of Nalondo Special School for Children with Disabilities in Kenya since its foundation nearly 20 years ago. Projects supported include feeding programmes; supply of clean water with a borehole, setting up a Health Care Team and a health service to meet the children’s
complex physical needs. The church (via the fund) sponsors a feeding programme at Luuya Acadmey in Kenya where they have helped provide a daily breakfast for the pupils as well as buying a rain water storage tank.
Items for sale on the 29th include bric-a-brac and greetings cards. There will also be refreshments, including some Kenyan cakes called Maandazis, details on the Meal-a-Day charity and information on the activities and beliefs of the Christadelphians.