Sunday Talks 2025

We meet every Sunday in Ormskirk at our hall in Moorgate (between the Girl Guides HQ and the car park). Our Bible address takes place at 2:00pm every week. Everyone is more than welcome, and we’ve included a list of up and coming talks. Please feel free to pop along. If you don’t know where we are, then click on the “finding us” link. We look forward to seeing you soon.

To watch videos of the talk click on the video button next to the title or to watch previous talks  here.

05/01/2025Ben BramhillWhat the return of Christ Jesus means
12/01/2025John ThorpeThe Kingdom of God: Past Present and Future
19/01/2025Mark GuntripBible teaching about saints
26/01/2025David RyderWhere is the Bible Paradise?"
02/02/2025Andy HaleWar, unrest and the climate crisis: where will it all end? - video
09/02/2025Paul RoseSon of God, not God the son.
16/02/2025Andrew FennerThe Devil's in the detail - video
23/02/2025Steve EglenDo we possess the Holy Spirit?
02/03/2025Terry BlackburnJerusalem ' past, present and future
09/03/2025Peter HaleThe bible, a Book worth reading
16/03/2025Stephen StoneleyA new government with a ruler you can trust
23/03/2025Antony FisherA Bible Talk
30/03/2025Ian JamesonThe Lords Prayer 
06/04/2025Paul YuileThe book of Exodus: History and Symbology 
13/04/2025Tony NieldA Bible Talk
20/04/2025Lionel TaylorLessons from Jonah
27/04/2025Stephen AdamsA special view of the Old Testament
04/05/2025Paul Clarke The Gospel Preached to Abraham
11/05/2025David GoreHow close are we to Christ's return?
18/05/2025Andy BradshawThe importance of Jesus’ teachings’
25/05/2025Richard SingletonBible Teaching About The Devi
01/06/2025Nigel PattersonJesus Christ: Not God but God's Son
08/06/2025Jeremy MorganThe miracle of the Jews
15/06/2025Tibu PinedoBaptism: Immersion or Sprinkling?
22/06/2025Joe SingletonWill You Go To Heaven when You Die?”
29/06/2025Martin EvansThe wonder of God's forgivness (recording)
06/07/2025Rob CapperWhat the Bible says about Life after  Death
13/07/2025Jake HardyGod's Kingdom: Our Hope
20/07/2025Chris ClarkeThe Pandemic and the Return of Christ’
27/07/2025Timothy GoswellJesus Christ - and you
03/08/2025Daz SheppardAdam - why is he important
17/08/2025Ed BanfordThe kingdom of God: real hope for the future 
24/08/2025Stuart WebsterMy ways are not your ways
31/08/2025Andrew FennerHope for a Hopeless World
07/09/2025James HardyI Believe in Jesus who is the Son of God
14/09/2025David BarnesJesus Christ - Judge of mankind
21/09/2025David EvansA More Sure Prophecy.
28/09/2025Martin WalkerThe Thief on the Cross
05/10/2025Phil Basten Bible prophecy proves the bible true
12/10/2025David ReesIsrael and the purpose of God
19/10/2025Chris ClarkeThings God can’t do
26/10/2025Andrew HellawellDid the Gospel writers know their geography?
02/11/2025Chris AbsonLuuya Presntation
09/11/2025Richard EglenGod So Loved the World
16/11/2025Simeon GuntripThe Bible – A book that can change your life!
23/11/2025Andy HaleWhy did Jesus say. “Salvation is of the Jews”?
30/11/2025Mark Tonge"Seek and you shall find’
07/12/2025James WalkerWhy hasn’t Jesus returned yet?
14/12/2025Sam LaunchburyChrist's commitment to us
21/12/2025Andrew WhittakerSeeing the Invisible
28/12/2025Giles MarsdenGod’s Plan for the World